
Thursday, November 29, 2012

TONIGHT: On Site Specificity

On Site Specificity 
Slought Foundation is pleased to announce "On Site Specificity," a public conversation with Hans Haacke and Alexander Alberro on Thursday, November 29th 2012, from 6:30-8:30pm. 
This event will address the different facets of what has come to be referred to as "site specificity" in the artistic practice of Hans Haacke. While Haacke may not have originated site specificity per se, he certainly played an important historical role in its development, and his work continues to be informed by site specific questions. What is site specificity? Why might it have become such an important artistic issue in the 1960s and 70s? How has this practice changed or expanded over the years? What are some of the larger questions or problems it poses to contemporary artistic practice?

This event is presented with the Department of Fine Arts, PennDesign; Kaja Silverman, the Visual Studies Program in the Department of Art History, the Department of English and the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania; as well as the Department of Film and Media Arts, Temple University. Special thanks: Christian Tomaszewski.
Address: Slought Foundation 
4017 Walnut Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3513 
Ph: 215.701.4627

More Info:

Article contributed by Sarah Bolivar.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Viaduct Greene Event

We invite you to join an evening of art, design and presentation in celebration and support of VIADUCTgreene's vision of a three-mile linear park traversing the heart of Philadelphia along submerged and elevated sections of the historic Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Featured on tiles, wallpaper and panels, Julia Blaukopf's images of the 9th Street and City Branches will be on exhibition and for sale. Donations in support of VIADUCTgreene's advocacy efforts are greatly appreciated. Bring friends and loved ones - no RSVP required. The event will be held at 603 N. American Street. Greeters will be at the front door of the building directing guests to Suite 602. 

SURFACE is a collaborative cultural exchange comprised of Octo Design Group andBrands Imaging [idea management & innovative collaboration], Julia Blaukopf[photography], and Michael Garden of CITYSPACE and Callahan Ward Companies

VIADUCTgreene, a 501(c)3 organization, advocates for the creation of a linear park in Philadelphia along the former 9th Street Branch and City Branch of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. Your generous tax-deductible gifts make our advocacy work possible.DONATE HERE.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

One Week in Philly :)

"Why Get Registered?" Catherine Gow & Erin Cooper Panelists discuss. Co-sponsored by YAF Philly & Women in Architecture. 

David McHenry spoke about Erdy McHenry Architecture to a packed house at Temple University.

Skylar Tibbits, Simon Kim & Mariana Mariana IbaƱez, and Sanford Kwinter discussed the Theme of "Proof" in architecture at PennDesign.

And it's not even the weekend yet!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

2012 Fall | Kick-off Happy Hour Event!

The New A-School Young Alumni Council (AYAC) would like to invite alums in the Philadelphia region to a kick-off HAPPY HOUR event. Whether you are new to the city of brotherly love or have been here awhile - we hope to see you. Bring your A-School friends!

When: Thursday, Decemter 6, 2012 | 6pm
Location: National Mechanics | 22 South 3rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19106
(3rd Street between Market & Chestnut)

Look for the UVA banner!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

U.Va. Architecture School Programs Ranked in Top Three of Public Universities

"The University of Virginia School of Architecture’s Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture programs both rank in the top three of their categories for graduate degree programs, according to the just-released 2013 Design Intelligence rankings of “America’s Best Architecture and Design Schools.” The two programs also rank in the top 10 overall, including both public and private universities."

Read the Full Story on UVa Today

Collaborations & Upcoming Events!

The Philly AYAC branch has made an exciting new connection with the Philly branch of Young Architects Forum (YAF), "a committee of AIA Philadelphia focusing on recently licensed architects in the region." We will likely be coordinating a number of upcoming events together, as well as happy hours.

The next planned YAF is a joint collaboration between them, the AIA Associates Committee, and the Women in Architecture committee: "Why Get Registered?" In their words:

Join [us] for a lively discussion about Architectural Registration. Panelists Catherine Gow, AIA and Erin Cooper AIA, LEED AP will share their stories about their path to licensure along with moderator Denise Thompson, AIA, LEED AP who will call on the audience to share their stories about why they are or are not licensed Architects. We would love to hear all sides of this issue and need your participation to make it an informative and enriching evening!

Location: Philadelphia Center for Architecture 1218 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
When: Monday, Nov 12, 2012.
Time: 6pm

Hope to see you there!