
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Viaduct Greene Event

We invite you to join an evening of art, design and presentation in celebration and support of VIADUCTgreene's vision of a three-mile linear park traversing the heart of Philadelphia along submerged and elevated sections of the historic Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Featured on tiles, wallpaper and panels, Julia Blaukopf's images of the 9th Street and City Branches will be on exhibition and for sale. Donations in support of VIADUCTgreene's advocacy efforts are greatly appreciated. Bring friends and loved ones - no RSVP required. The event will be held at 603 N. American Street. Greeters will be at the front door of the building directing guests to Suite 602. 

SURFACE is a collaborative cultural exchange comprised of Octo Design Group andBrands Imaging [idea management & innovative collaboration], Julia Blaukopf[photography], and Michael Garden of CITYSPACE and Callahan Ward Companies

VIADUCTgreene, a 501(c)3 organization, advocates for the creation of a linear park in Philadelphia along the former 9th Street Branch and City Branch of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. Your generous tax-deductible gifts make our advocacy work possible.DONATE HERE.

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